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Lusenti Partners

Lusenti Partners, an independent company providing investment advice, follow-up and monitoring, specializes in optimizing the investments made by professional and institutional investors.

Established in 2002, based in Nyon and active in Switzerland and Europe, Lusenti Partners is an independent investment advisory company.


We specialize in determining, coordinating, optimizing and systematically following up the investments made by professional and institutional investors, in particular by pension funds.

Our approach





Our added value

Increased performances

Risk reduction

Improved governance

Cost savings

Conférence d'affaires


Interview RTS/La 1ère

September 2023

Sur la RTS/La 1ère, Journal de 7h, j'ai eu il y a peu l'occasion de prendre position - brièvement - sur la hausse, modeste, à 1.25%,du taux d'intérêt minimal proposé par la Commission LPP: celle-ci me paraît justifiée au regard de l'évolution maussade des marchés en 2023 et surtout de "l'évaporation" en 2022 des réserves pour fluctuations de cours.


Revendiquer plus et invoquer à ce propos la hausse, plus forte, de l'inflation, comme le font certains, n'est pas opportun !


Retrouvez le commentaire succinct ci-dessous (extrait et minutage: de 4.27 à 6.02)

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